Principles & Guidelines for Performing Umrah-al-Badal

Umrah is a spiritual journey that every Muslim desires to carry out to witness the House of Allah, visit the grave of the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H, and other historical sites exhibiting the story of Islam. And that is how Umrah provides a soulful experience to the pilgrims and helps strengthen their faith in Allah the Almighty. While there are numerous fortunate Muslims who get the opportunity of performing this spiritual pilgrimage, there are some unfortunate ones as well. Those who wish to carry out Umrah but can’t do that due to some reasons. In this article, we’ll discuss the Umrah facilitation Islam provides to such Muslims and the principles for carrying out such a pilgrimage. Umrah-al-Badal (Definition) Umrah Badal is a type of Umrah that an individual can perform on behalf of the other Muslims which he or she cannot perform, due to some reasons. Either that individual has a severe health condition that does not allow him to perform Umrah or that individual has alread...